Kids' Reference for Egyptian Monuments
Open your Children's Eyes to the Wonders of Ancient Egypt
What do your children know about the Monuments in Egypt?
Or anywhere else? Are they curious about it?
Do you think they may love history and do not consider it boring?
Many of us once felt that studying history is difficult and contains many details, events, and dates.
Your children have the right to know their history and enjoy studying it.
The story began with a little girl from about 30 years, riding the car with her family, doing what she loved most, looking at the street from the car's window, and enjoying watching buildings, ads, shops, and houses.
Suddenly her eyes were shining, when she saw a large building like a wall with many arches, she was fascinated by its shape and size, it was Magra El Ayoun Aqueduct (sour Magra el Ayoun) it was used in the past to transfer the Nile water to the Citadel.
She wished if she could stay and enjoy its charm, and her dream and her imagination grows...
She visited the pyramid, the Citadel, and the temples of Luxor, and the same inspiring emotion was felt again. Those flashes were lightened again and again.
She loved the monuments of her country and studied its architecture. And she discovered her passion and her dream for the past years, and the truth for the coming years.
I am Mona Rahmo, an architect, and my first and biggest passion is ancient architecture and monuments, and my big dream is how to know these monuments, preserve them, and appreciate the science and art that our ancestors left for us.
This is the beginning of "MonumentoR"
Our goal is to help you open your children's eyes to the magic and wonders of ancient architecture and build their sense of belonging.
Now Your Children will Learn & Love History
With Very Innovative Tools
Using the Power of Coloring , Storytelling and much more...
Build the Affiliation in your Children
Stories of history and monuments enhance the child's sense of belonging to the place and the community
Overcoming the Difficulty of Studying History
Historical storytelling will introduce your children to the history and civilization of their country in an attractive and different way
Acquisition of Creative Thinking Skills
Reading and storytelling with children promotes brain development and imagination, develops language, emotions, and strengthens relationships, encouraging them to explore, be curious, come up with questions and investigate how things work
Boost your Child's Strength of Observation Skills
Stories develop listening and communication skills, improve concentration and memory, bring experiences alive, create a sense of wonder, and help sequence events
Reduce Screen Time
Storytelling is the best alternative activity that does not require screen time
Increase Family Bonding
There is always a discussion that follows the story and this interaction is the stepping stone for the early bonds with your child
Increase Focus & Improve Memory
Stories capture our attention better than other information because they leave a physical and emotional trace in the brain
Allow Your Children to Explore the Fun of Learning about Monuments
Storytelling is one of the most important techniques of Edutainment which means mixing education with entertainment to make it more interesting and attractive
Develop the Need for Research
Storytelling allows your children to connect to different journeys and expand their understanding of the world around them
What They Say About Us?
الكاتب والمؤرخ
د. شريـف شعبــان
محاضربكلية الآثار جامعة القاهرة
المسؤل الأثري للمعلومات بوزارة السياحة والآثارالمستشارالعلمي لمشروع توثيق أول مدينة مصرية على الميتافيرس
The Pyramids of Giza عن كتاب
نادراً ما نجد كاتباً عربياً قد خصص من وقته لعمل كتاب للأطفال يتحدث بأسلوب بسيط عن الآثار والتاريخ خاصة الحضارة المصرية القديمة. إلا أن هذا الكتاب قد نجح في تحقيق المعادلة الصعبة، فنجح في تقديم معلومة سليمة دقيقة وفي نفس الوقت رشيقة بسيطة للطفل تربطه بحضارة مصر القديمة بالإضافة إلى وجود جانب الترفيه والتسلية متمثلاً في القدر الكبير من الرسومات والألعاب الشيقة المصممة بعناية وبطريقة ترفع من ذكاء الطفل وهو ما يكسر لديه حاجز الملل من تلك المعلومات التاريخية التي قد يجدها صعبة وما يزيد من قوة هذا الكتاب كونه باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية وهو ما يزيد من انتشاره بين الجيل الجديد على نطاق أوسع، خاصة مع الولع العالمي بحضارة المصريين القدماء وارتباطهم بها، والتأكيد على قدرة الكتاب المصري على مجاراة الكتاب العالمي للأطفال ونقل المعلومة الصحيحة للعالم
هذا الكتاب إضافة حقيقية لعالم كتب الأطفال الخاصة بحضارة مصر القديمة وأرشحه بقوة
See our Valuable Customers' Appreciation & Enjoyment of our Book
What Will You Get When You Order Now?
- COLOR YOUR HISTORY is our 1 st product and 1st series of Egyptian Monuments Coloring Book, Opening the Eyes of Children to the Wonders of Ancient Architecture It provides a visual learning style that helps children to develop creative thinking and design thinking skills through 5 main steps ( Know, Think, Observe, Enjoy, & Imagine).
- Not only a coloring book, it is 3 in 1 BOOK (Coloring, Story & Activities)
- High-quality printed book
Language: Arabic & English in the same book
Reading Age: 8-13
Pages: 18 Book1 & 25 Book2
Size & Dimensions: A4 (29.7x21cm)
Material: high-quality papers, cover - Glossy
Comes with the book:
Stickers Sheet
12 short colored pencils
All in a wonderful box.
- In Book 2 " The Pyramids of Giza" you will See:
- “Know” section: What are the seven wonders.
- “Think” section: Discovering the wonder in The Pyramids.
- “Observe” section: How did it become a Wonder.
- “Enjoy” section: Tasting the beauty and the perfection of the Ancient Egyptians.
- “Imagine” section: Finding and conclusion with imagination
- In Book 1 " Hatshepsut Temple" you will See:
- Book Introduction: The idea of what it is about and how it could help the child. The learning technique we adopted.
- Introduce the main characters: The temple introduces itself. His friend Hatshepsut & why she wanted to build it.
- Story Core: The challenge of building in the mountain, Using only stones, which was needed for Ancient Egyptian miracles.
- Analysis of the result of nature inspiration: Adapt to the mountain's levels, and Good use of natural light.
- Talk about the central theme of the story: Building the temple step by step. The miracle is in the builders' genius brains.
- Discuss the book's conclusion.
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The Pyramids of Giza
The Pyramids of Giza is the 2nd Monument in our “Color your History” Series.View more details...QuantityComing soonHatshepsut Temple (4th Printing)
3 reviewsThe Pyramids of Giza is the 1st Monument in our “Color your History” Series.View more details...QuantityComing soonBundle (Book 1 & Book 2)
1 reviewsHatshepsut Temple & Pyramids of GizaView more details...QuantityComing soonTrusted Associates
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